EPA Lead Certification Pamphlets & Forms

EPA Lead Certification Resources
As part of the new RRP rule (Renovation, Repairs, and Painting), EPA now requires a handfull of EPA lead renovator materials including brochures, forms, and handouts. In addition, it is recommended that all EPA lead certified workers understand the comprehensive 'Code of Federal Regulation Title 40: Protection of Environment; Part 745: Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures,' which outlines the specific requirement for each and every EPA lead certified renovator that will be working on pre-1978 homes and child-occupied facilities. Click the links below for a free download of all available lead certification documents. If you have any questions about these EPA lead certification resources, please email us on the contact page or call to speak with one of our EPA experts at 646-564-3546 - we will be glad to help!
EPA Lead Renovator Pamphlets
Lead-Safe Certified Guide to Renovate RightRenovate Right: Important Lead Hazard Information for Families, Child Care Providers, and Schools - April 2010PDF

General information from EPA about legal requirements for safe lead certification practices for homeowners, tenants, child care providers and parents during renovation activities. Also available from the EPA in Spanish and other formats.
Cover, Small Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right: EPA's Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting ProgramSmall Entity Compliance Guide to Renovate Right: EPA's Lead-based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting ProgramPDF

An EPA lead certification handbook for contractors, property managers, and maintenance personnel working in homes, child care facilities, and schools built before 1978 that have lead paint. (July 2010 revised version.)
Steps to lead certified safe renovation, repair and paintingSteps to Lead-Safe Renovation, Repair and PaintingPDF
En EspañolPDF

A guide to lead-safe RRP that covers basic lead safe practices and can be used as a training guide outside of the classroom in conjunction with on-the-job demonstrations and hands-on training for projects that involve lead coatings.
EPA Sample Forms and Resources
EPA Firm ApplicationPDF

In addition to receiving the proper training, it is required that every renovation, repair, or painting firm complete this application. Full instructions are included.
Pre-Renovation Disclosure FormPDF

A sample of the lead renovation form to be signed by the owner or tenant confirming that they received a copy of the EPA lead certification pamphlet before renovations begin.
Code of Federal Regulation Title 40: Protection of Environment;
Part 745: Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention in Certain Residential Structures
Renovation Notice and Record of Tenant Notification ProceduresPDF

Samples of the EPA forms used to notify occupants of lead renovation activities in the common area(s) of multi-family housing.
Sample Record Keeping ChecklistPDF

To make recordkeeping easier, EPA has developed this checklist to help contractors comply with the lead renovation recordkeeping requirements that took effect April 22, 2010.

Lead Paint Resources Are Required By EPA

EPA is now requiring that many of these documents be delivered to a Client that has a home with lead paint present. In addition to mandatory provisions from EPA to hand deliver this information, lead certification compliance requires that that your Clients sign EPA documents stating that they understand the dangers of lead paint and that you have taken the necessary steps to educate them on what can be done to ensure the safest possible techniques. In addition to getting the required lead certified training, proper documentation of the completed work, often times in the form of a comprehensive recap of the critical steps in a lead renovation project, ensures that the RRP standards were followed.

Understand the Importance of EPA Compliance

When reviewing these EPA lead certification documents, it is important to consider them not as an inconvenience but as a tool to better understand the serious health hazards associate with lead paint and the negative effects it can have on a building's occupants. While the EPA RRP regulations revolve around the general concept of protecting children from lead exposure, it can also be extremely pertinent to remember that even adults can experience negative affects when lead is present in the air we breath or surfaces we touch. By educating your colleagues and Clients with these lead certification documents, you will create trust and understanding on why EPA standards are so necessary when dealing with lead paint. These EPA brochures and forms are the result of dozens of years of research and empirical evidence - use them as a tool to ensure the safety of yourself, your workers, and your Clients.

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