Corporate Training By Zack Academy - Mold and Microbiological Remediation


Why Should You Take This Mold and Microbiological Remediation course?

This Mold and Microbiological Remediation training emphasizes building science, using our case studies to support moisture control in healthy homes programming based on guidance produced by state and federal public health agencies.

Who Is The Target Audience For This Mold and Microbiological Remediation course?

This Mold and Microbiological Remediation training is designed more for inspectors, facility managers and other program planners than for remediation contractors, although cleanup practices and project troubleshooting are covered, especially in recognizing and controlling the sources of excess moisture.

What Topics Will Be Covered During This Course?

**Please See the Syllabus for a Detailed List of Course Topics**

It is important to address moisture prevention on all mold projects. Controlling moisture will prevent the re-occurrence of mold, mildew and other forms of microbiological growth during and after remediation. This course introduces the Healthy Homes concept developed by CDC and presents the Post-Remediation Verification (PRV) process for clearing contaminated buildings in a multi-tiered oversight process. The objective of the PRV process is to assess buildings based on the specific type of occupancy within. This determines the type of sampling and follow-up they will receive.  

The objectives are driven by local code enforcement departments, insurance agency requirements, banks, legal precedents, and susceptible environments containing a body of people with compromised immune systems (such as hospitals or nursing homes). Visual Inspections cognizant of building systems design, their condition, and their maintenance status should be conducted prior to any form of bulk air or dust sampling, unless the project is likely headed for claim litigation.

Please Note:  While not regulated by Federal and State agencies, Mold, Guano, Animal Carcass, and Indoor Air Quality are regulated under the OSHA General standard. Whenever undertaking such remediation projects in child-occupied, pre-1978 housing or facilities, the presence of lead is to be assumed as positive. Work in these environments must also be done in accordance with the USEPA RRP Rule. Whenever planning such work, asbestos regulations must also be followed. 



DAY 1:

07:00 Course Overview

07:15 Module 1: OSHA 300 Log – Accident Reports

09:00 Module 2:  Basic Mold/Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

2.1 Pigeons

2.2 Bats

2.3 Animal Carcass & Biosafety Considerations

11:00 Module 3: Bloodborne Pathogens

11:30 Lunch

12:30 Module 4: Fungal Pathogens

1:30 Module 5: Prion Disease

2:00 Module 6: Anthrax

2:30 I DPH Guidance – Indoor Mold Exposure

OSHA Guidance – Employee Mold Exposure

FEMA / CDPH Guidance – After A Flood

3:00 End of Day 1

DAY 2:

07:30 NCHH Healthy Homes Principles, Healthy Home Videos

09:30 Module 7: Mold Investigation and Control

10:30 Module 8: Building Age and Mold Growth

12:30 Air Sealing – Prevention of Microbiological Contamination

2:00 Field Guide for Clean-up of Flooded Homes

2:30 Discussion and Case Studies

(Videos - Mold Clean-up Guidance 2006)

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What's Included
  • Interactive workshop with an experienced instructor
  • Hands-on activities for maximized learning
  • Student manual to keep as a reference for when you're in the field
  • Course certification
Scheduling Process
  1. Contact us and let us know how many employees need training.
  2. We will send a request for bid to our network of over 400 trainers.
  3. Sit back, relax, and within 24-48 hours you will have competitive pricing and a training date for this course.
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