Corporate Training By Zack Academy - Healthy Housing Conference Philadelphia


Healthy Housing Conferences, which bring together the nation's leading authorities on lead poisoning prevention, lead hazard control and healthy housing issues, invites you to attend a three-day conference to explore ways to undertake programs and projects desiged to prevent incidents of lead poisoning, eliminate indoor environmental hazards, and create healthy living and working environments. This conference will bring together professionals from health, housing, community development, community groups, advocacy organizations, the lead industry, real estate firms, and residential and commercial facilities to achieve these important goals.

Ways You'll Benefit by Attending:
-Engage in interactive training programs that are excellent learning and technical assistance sessions
-Explore new ideas and approaches to meeting program objectives
-Network with those in the know and those who you want to know
-Take home hundreds of new ideas
-Participate in problem-solving, thought-provoking discussions
-Examine products, technologies and educational materials
-Explore today's most important policy and operating issues that directly impact how you carry out lead poisoning prevention, lead hazard assessment and control, and healthy housing programs

The Conference Serves the Interests of All the Stakeholders:
-State and Local Government Officials: public health practitioners, city housing and community development administrators, code officials, neighborhood improvement and housing rehab officials, Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes grantees
-Health Advocates: community-based program administrators, health educators and neighborhood activists
-Lead Industry Practitioners: certified lead inspectors, risk assessors, lead hazard control and abatement contractors, project designers and laboratory managers
-Environmental Industry Professionals: environmental consultants, industrial hygienists, mold investigation and remediation companies
-Facility Managers, Maintenance Supervisors and Contractors: weatherization companies, remodelers, multi-family residential managers, school officials, building operators and physical plant administrators
-And You! Sign up for this Healthy Housing Conference today and join the fight to prevent lead poisoning!

Supporting Organizations Include:
-National Association of Lead and Healthy Homes Grantees
-Lead and Environmental Hazards Association
-National Center for Healthy Housing
-Coalition for Environmentally-Safe Communities
-American Lead Poisoning Help Association


The conference features programs designed to provide “how to” information on a variety of topics including: Healthy Homes, lead poisoning prevention, lead hazard control, indoor environmental hazard identification and remediation, grant management, education and outreach strategies, and the consequences and ramifications of lowering the blood lead reference value from 10 to 5. The conference also includes time for networking and to meet with company representatives to discuss how their products and services can be used in the lead and indoor environmental hazards assessment and remediation fields. 




9:00 to 11:30 a.m. 

General Session on the Consequences of Lowering the Blood Lead Reference Value:  Divergent Points of View

- How it Effects Policies, Programs and Allocation of Resources at Local and State Levels?
- What Does the Renewed Call for Primary Prevention Entail?
- How Does it Effect Health and Housing Policies and Priorities? 

11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 


Initiatives of the HUD Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes 

This program will cover two important HUD initiatives — the Healthy Housing Rating System (HHRS) and the Safe and Healthy Homes Investment Partnerships (SHIPP) – and how these efforts will provide communities with ways to undertake collaborative efforts and conduct healthy housing inspections, hazard analysis and hazard remediation.

Integration of Healthy Housing and Weatherization: A Workshop on Collaborating and Integrating Healthy Housing Initiatives with Affordable Housing, Energy Conservation and Weatherization Programs

During this session, a panel of experts will discuss their experiences, best practices, and expertise in forming, maintaining and ensuring the success of these innovative collaborations. The workshop will include presentations by an interdisciplinary diverse panel of healthy homes professionals and will feature discussions on how different organizations are addressing a variety of health, housing, affordability, energy efficiency, conservation and weatherization issues.  

Healthy Housing Inspection and Remediation Techniques (Part 1) 

This session will include a step by step process in how to conduct a Healthy Homes inspection and recommend corrective actions. It will instruct participants in how to recognize “red flags” that cause unhealthy housing conditions including lead dust and paint, asthma triggers, moisture intrusion, radon, asbestos, insect and rodent infestation, and poor indoor air quality. 

3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. THREE CONCURRENT SESSIONS 

Coalition Building Techniques:  Building Partnerships to Sustain and Advance Lead and Healthy Housing Programs

This program will address how local government agencies and health and housing advocacy organizations are working with community partners to carry out lead and healthy housing programs and provide critical health and housing services to at-risk populations, and how these collaborative efforts are helping to strengthen and sustain programs during difficult funding conditions

Primary Prevention Strategies as a Consequence of Lowering the Reference Value from 10 to 5

This session is a follow-up to the morning general session and will provide greater details on the implementation of a nationwide primary prevention policy to ensure that no children in the U.S. live or spend significant time in homes, buildings or other environments with lead-exposure hazards, as recommended to CDC by the Advisory Committee for Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention (ACCLPP). The session will include a discussion of opportunities for collaboration by government agencies, NGOs and private organizations to create primary prevention and housing policies.

Healthy Housing Inspection and Remediation Techniques (Part 2)

This program is a continuation of the 1:00 p.m. program. 




8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Continental Breakfast and Exhibit Viewing 

9:45 to 12:00 p.m. General Session

Part 1: New insights into the Effects of Lead on the Brain and Behavior

This presentation will cover the latest advances in the understanding of the effects of lead on the brain at the cellular and molecular levels and how these effects of lead may translate into the behavioral and learning difficulties experienced by lead-poisoned children. 

Part 2: Philadelphia’s Programs and Policies as Models for Other Communities 

This presentation will feature what the City of Philadelphia is doing to advance healthy housing programs and lead poisoning prevention and hazard control programs, including measures to promote and enforce the RRP Program.

12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. LUNCH ON YOUR OWN 

1:45 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. THREE CONCURRENT SESSIONS 

Challenges and Opportunities in Conveying Information about the Effects of Lead on the Brain, Behavior and Learning to the Medical and Educational Communities 

This session is a follow up to the morning general session and will feature a panel of persons whose organizations have been successful in carrying out lead poisoning awareness and educational programs directed at physicians and educators

Grant Management Workshop on How to Submit a Strong Grant Proposal, and How to Meet Grant Goals, Benchmarks, Deliverables and Reporting Requirements (Part 1) 

This workshop will review key Ratings Factors including applicant capacity, organizational experience, extent of the problem, soundness of approach, leveraging resources achieving results, and program evaluation. This workshop is critical for grantees expecting to apply for upcoming HUD NOFAs and includes an open dialogue for grantees to help other grantees. The workshop will also cover grant management issues, including the tracking and reporting of benchmarks and deliverables. Panelists will include grantees who have “been there, done that” and are ready to share their experiences to help grantees and potential grantees meet their reporting requirements and successfully manage their grant programs.

New Challenges in Undertaking Lead Inspections, Risk Assessments, Abatements and Clearances: Understanding the Changes to the HUD Guidelines and the Ramifications of Lowering the Reference Value from 10 to 5 (Part 1) 

This session will examine the ways in which the CDC and HUD actions may impact on inspection, risk assessment, abatement and clearance protocols: how work is to be done differently and what new requirements and standards are in place and are expected.

3:45 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.THREE CONCURRENT SESSIONS

National Healthy Housing Standards and Model Codes 

The objectives of this session are to obtain practitioners’ input on the proposed National Healthy Housing Standards and to present information on what is occurring through advocacy to change the model codes for property maintenance, existing buildings and residential properties to include healthy housing components.

Grant Management Workshop on How to Submit a Strong Grant Proposal, and How to Meet Grant Goals, Benchmarks, Deliverables and Reporting Requirements (Part 2) 

This workshop is a continuation of the 1:45 p.m. workshop. 

New Challenges in Undertaking Lead Inspections, Risk Assessments, Abatements and Clearances: Understanding the Changes to the HUD Guidelines and the Ramifications of Lowering the Reference Value from 10 to 5 (Part 2)

This session is a continuation of the 1:45 session.

5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. NETWORKING RECEPTION 



8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST 

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. GENERAL SESSION 

Part 1: Update on HUD, EPA and CDC Programs and Appropriations 

This program will address how government agencies are working to carry out lead and healthy housing programs, provide critical health and housing services to at-risk populations, and collaborate to strengthen and sustain programs during difficult funding conditions, and will present an update on the work of the Interagency Healthy Housing group. 

Part 2: Securing Congressional Support for Lead and Healthy Homes Programs 

This program will present an update on key Federal appropriations and will provide strategies that can be used to secure greater support for lead poisoning prevention, lead hazard control and healthy housing programs. 


Request a quote
What's Included
  • Three day conference with industry leaders
  • Exploration of hundreds of new ideas and approaches in the field
  • Networking opportunities with those "in the know" and those you want to know
  • Examination of products, technologies and educational materials
Scheduling Process
  1. Contact us and let us know how many employees need training.
  2. We will send a request for bid to our network of over 400 trainers.
  3. Sit back, relax, and within 24-48 hours you will have competitive pricing and a training date for this course.
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